Friday, July 18, 2008

DC Night Tour

This was taken on the south side of the White House. I was shooed away by police. I wasn't suppose to be taking pictures here. However, I was quick enough to get this one.

Me at the FDR Memorial

Lincoln Memorial

I am getting a little better about moving the pictures on this laptop but I still have a ways to go. Hopefully, they will get better as I go. Shawna and Lisa are a big help to me. They are great with the computer.
We had a great time on this tour, however, we didn't get back until 11:00 p.m. We were very tired, hot and thirsty when we arrived back at our hotel. Marcia's foot was really hurting and very swollen. We had a tough time staying awake the next day in class, but it was worth it too see all these amazing sights. It is difficult to explain the sheer magnificants of some of these monuments. So much marble!
Shawna comes tomorrow. No telling what we will get into then. I think she wants to go to China town. That will be an experience and I hope in a good way but since I don't like chinese food, maybe not so much. But I will be sure and let you know in my next post. Stay tuned!

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