Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Hustle and Bustle

Wait, it can't be December 19! Is anyone else struggling to get it all done in time. I have been off work all week on vacation and I have worked harder than if I had been at work. I have wrapped gifts and shopped with my mother. I look forward to the time I can rest a little. The weather has put a real damper on everything. I am already looking forward to Spring. I am tired of this gray mist. It is such a downer.

On the bright side, I did have a great time with my mother. We have had lunch together almost everyday and we got lots of great bargins yesterday. Coupons are a great help. Sometimes places will even honor expired coupons. It never hurts to ask. Dick's gave her $25.00 dollars off yesterday from a coupon that expired in November. Also, there were 2 very nice girls at Aerie that were very helpful. They helped me to get a great deal on my gift for Kolbi. Also, did you know that if you order something at the store, they will give you free shipping to your home. I thought that was really great. Also, I became a member of the A-List. I highly recommend this. It gives great discounts. One Thursday a month you can receive 20% off. This is a help.

I have got to run. There is more wrapping of gifts to be done. May you and yours have a very Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Soiree Pictures

Here they are. Ready for the dance. Zach and Morgan.Kelsey and Fridge (Justin).

All together now.

Looking good!

Friday, December 12, 2008

See my Pretty Girl!

Here is my beautiful niece, Kolbi, giving her Uncle Steve a quick peck on the cheek before she leaves for her Christmas dance. Believe me, there is not a boy there good enough for my Kolbi. She is much too mature for a middle school boy. She will be excited to get to high school so she can meet some boys closer to her height and her maturity level. Go Kolbi!

Here is Kolbi with her grandmother. Gotta love Gran!

Here is the pretty girl. Too Cool Kolbi!

More pics tomorrow when Kelsey, her sister, and Zach go to there dance at the Opera House. Stay tuned for more pics.