Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hannah Montana Plays Baseball

My young niece, Lainie, has a very vivid imagination. She loves to play dress up and has been every princess Disney has created, she has been an M&M and even a member of the Incredibles. Sometimes she takes on the personality of an animal, such as a cat. When she is a cat, she meows and licks paw and pretends she is giving herself a bath, just as a cat does.

Her most recent fantasy is a bit more modern and mature. At Christmas, she receive a Hannah Montanta wig as a gift. As you can see, before she received the Hannah Montana wig, she was Snow White (I hope I have my princess correct). Now, each Sunday when she arrives at my Mom's home for Sunday dinner with the family, she is Hannah Montana. She has been Hannah Montana for several weeks now.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of watching Hannah Montana play baseball (indoor T-ball actually). I love T-ball. If you have never watched 4-6 T-ball, you should. It is great entertainment, you never know what to expect next. I have to say Lainie at least knows how to hit the ball fairly well and knows which way to run. That is more than I can say for some of the little players.

I loved the end of the game, as each team passes the other team shaking hands and telling each other good game. In first stage T-ball, you don't keep score (however, some parents do) and you don't actually get out. Everyone is a winner.

1 comment:

Team Mitchell & Crew said...

This is my favorite post YET!!!

Thanks for coming to her game yesterday!! She talked about it all day!

S + L