Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bad Day

Did you ever have one of those days where the minute you step out of bed, your whole goal for that day is to get back home to get back in bed? That was my day yesterday. I felt so bad. I was coughing and my ears and my throat hurt. All I wanted to do was take some medicine and crawl back in bed. But of course that was not what I did. I forced myself to get up and get ready for work. I kept saying this mantra over and over to myself, "you'll feel better in a minute". Well folks, it never happened. I drug to work and everyone kept saying, "Are you sick? You don't look so good." Well, duh. I don't feel so good either. But I kept repeating my mantra over and over. "You're going to feel better any minute now." Instead of feeling better, I just coughed and coughed. When I got home, I was so happy to see my bed, right there where I left it. Just calling me to crawl in and that is just what I did. It felt so good. Now in hind sight, I see I probably should have stayed right there. But I pushed myself to get up and go. Next time, I am going to listen to that little voice in my head and stay put.

Today was much better. I feel much better. I still feel like crap but I am much better than I was yesterday. I am at least able to make it down the stairs to write my post. Shawna got me started with this but I am really enjoying it. I miss the days I don't have time to write. I am not sure anyone really cares what I have to say but I enjoy doing it and I guess that is all that really matters.

I guess this post doesn't really say much. I will try and do better tomorrow. Hopefully, I will have something exciting to write about. Maybe I will tell you about Callie, the princess cat.

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