Monday, August 25, 2008

Love the Crockpot!

My family likes ham but I don't always have time to wait while a ham cooks. My husband really wanted ham last week and he said I should try cooking it in the crockpot. We cook alot of stuff in there, so why should ham be any different. Here is what we did.

Be careful to choose a ham that will fit. We didn't. So Steve just cut part of it off and dropped it down the side. Next, I packed brown sugar on top. I was going to add a Coke to it but we didn't have any. I only had Sunkist so I used that. I set the crockpot to low for 7 hours. When I got home it smelled delicious. I fixed some greenbeens and mac&cheese to go with it as well as some garlic bread. It was quick and easy and we had a great meal. The next night I used the leftover ham to drop in my bean soup with cornbread and fried potatoes. A $7.00 ham went a long way.

I hope you try it and love it as much as my family did.

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