Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Move it, Move it, Move it!

Ever since I received my promotion in April of last year, I have been working at a completely sedentary job. I basically only get up to go to the restroom. I feel I have become deconditioned. I know you are saying to yourself that it's not like a was a wonderfully physically fit person before, but I was up moving some during the day. I have thought about exercising but I don't do anything about it. When I get home, I work on fixing dinner and afterward it is dark out. I know they have gyms for that but I don't want to flaunt that I am totally out of shape. A friend invited me to go to a Cardio Pump class with her. It lasts for an hour. If I went to that they would have to do a cardio pump ---- on me. CPR they call it. No, I am not ready for organized (hour long) exercise just yet, but Zach and I did go for a short walk today and I didn't die. I actually felt pretty good, at least after my legs quit shaking. Hopefully, I can work time into my schedule to keep this up. I am looking forward to the time change. That should help me with my new exercise routine. I also have a new mantra for myself, move it, move it, move it.

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