Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Love was in the Air!

It started early in the week when Steve asked me what I wanted to do for Valentine's Day. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do but with the economy what it is, I hated to spend a lot of money so I told him I didn't want expensive flowers from the florist. (He had just informed me that long stemmed red roses were going for $75.00 at the local florist.) I would much rather go out to dinner than have overpriced roses sitting on the kitchen table. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE fresh cut flowers but I don't want them when the price has been jacked up just for this holiday. Anyway, we discussed our options and decided we would have dinner at home rather than go out to a resturant to only wait 2 hours to be seated. Then we would go to a movie and out for dessert. I think we both looked forward to our date all week. It had been a while since we had been out on the town together.

Anyway, on Saturday morning I got up and made chocolate dipped strawberries and bananas. The strawberries had been $7.99 a pound at the grocery so I decided to do it myself when I saw there was a sale on strawberries for $1.99 and I knew I already had chocolate at home. Of course, I had to sample a few while I was dipping. Fabulous! I love chocolate covered strawberries! They are my absolute favorite. Then I decided to make potato boats to go with the steaks that Steve was going to cook on the grill. At the last minute, Zach called to ask if he and Morgan could tag along. I don't know if we are really cool parents and they wanted to spend time with us or if he didn't have any cash and decided we would foot the bill but it turned into a double date. Dinner was at home with just the 5 of us. (My mom was included in that.) The whole time Zach ate he kept saying how amazing the food was. We had all his favorites, steak, potato boats and chocolate covered strawberries and bananas. I do believe the way to that mans heart is through his stomach. Morgan, you had better be taking notes. He does love to eat. Fortunately, he is very active and can afford to eat what he wants.

After dinner we went to see Mall Cop, a very funny movie. I laughed so hard I thought I would wet my pants. I love to see comedies. I hate to see movies where I cry. Why would anyone pay money to leave the movie theater crying. Watch the news if you want to cry.

Then, we went to Applebee's for dessert. Steve and I shared a blondie with ice cream and maple topping while Zach and Morgan indulged in a warm chocolate chip cookie with ice cream and chocolate syrup. It was a wonderful evening. I think Zach and Morgan had a good time as well.

I guess I should also tell you that I did get roses too. They were beautiful pink roses from the local discount store and I loved them just the same. It was truly a great evening.

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