Oh wow, what a stressful week it has been. On Monday, I turned 45. That wasn't such a big deal. The stressful part was watching Zach play ball ---- in the cold --- in the rain. Not my idea of the best way to spend my birthday. However, to look on the bright side, it was the first game of summer ball. Zach has really had a difficult time playing high school ball this year. Coach just won't give him a chance. So, summer ball is much more laid back and there is a different coach. Even though it was raining Zach was finally enjoying baseball again. He had a great game, so all in all it wasn't a bad day. Besides that, I got presents from my friends. That was really good.
Tuesday was election day. Now what could me more stressful than trying to decide who I want to run the whole United States. That is a big decision. I, personnally, would like to choose whoever is going to reduce the price of gas. I hope I chose the right one.
Wednesday, my baby turned 16. Yes, that's right, Zach is 16 years old and if that wasn't stressful enough, I had to take Steve to see an Orthopedic Surgeon. He has been having knee pain for some time and it has finally got to the point where he could no longer stand the pain. The surgeon said he needed a total knee replacement. Not what we wanted to hear. However, he did not want to do the surgery. He doesn't like to do total knee replacement on people in their 40's. Well, Steve is 48 --- soon to be 49 (November). So, he recommended Steve for Supra injections. That is 5 injections, one each week for 5 weeks directly into the knee. The injection is made of rooster comb. Sounds kind of weird, I know, but he hopes this will reduce his pain and buy him some time before he has to have the surgery. I really hope it helps. Anyway, after the appointment, we headed to the ball field and Zach spent his birthday playing baseball. At least it wasn't raining. Just very windy.
Thursday, well that day wasn't too bad. I still went to a ball field but it was to watch Kelsey (my niece) and Morgan (Zach's girlfriend) play softball. I told you in past post that baseball had taken over my life, well, I wasn't kidding. Here are some of the pictures I took at the game. Kelsey is #10 and Morgan is below.
Friday (today) has been the most stessful day of all and I didn't even have to go to work. So, I know you are asking why was it so stressful, Zach got his drivers permit today. That just brings into light a whole new set of worries. He did really well, he only missed 2 on the exam. He drove me to the bank and the grocery afterwards. Also, Steve had his first injection today. I hope it works and gives him some relief. He says it is stiff
but the doctor told him to expect that. And again, I sat in the rain and cold and watched Zach play ball. Did I forget to mention we are 3-0. Woohoo! Two more games tomorrow. I am praying for sunshine. Hopefully, next week will be less stressful, but I don't ever see that happening again with Zach driving. He even wanted to drive home tonight from the game in the dark and the rain. What was he thinking?! Oh yeah, I forgot, he is 16, he wasn't thinking!