Thursday, July 2, 2009

Who's Job is it to Clean the Potato Box?

I must ask this question. Who's job is it to clean the potato box? Just because you buy the groceries and cook the dinner, does that mean it is you job? And if by chance you get busy and go on vacation without cleaning the potato box, is it a disgrace that gnats are flying around your kitchen? Yes, I agree, it is a bad situation, and a sad state of affairs but I don't think it is worthy of alot of excess drama. If it is bothering you that much, maybe you should try cleaning it yourself. I have offered to step down as grocery buyer and potato cooker but that was not the answer, anyone was wanting to hear. So, I ask you, "Who's job is it to clean the potato box?" Should it be the one that also gets to clean the manly dribble from the toilet seat? Should it be the one that sees the tracks in the underwear? Should it be the one that cleans the litter box? Should it be the one that cleans the science projects from the fridge? Just who should clean the potato box, I ask you!?!

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