Thursday, July 16, 2009

Early Morning Mishap

Each morning when I wake up and stumble to the bathroom my cat races me there. Why? you ask. Callie, my Princess, is above drinking from a mere bowl. She must have her water straight from the tap. I have to turn the water on in the bathroom sink and she drinks directly from the spicket. Anyway, this morning was no different from any other; however, as she jumped on the toilet to get to the sink, she lost her footing and splashed into the icy waters of the toilet bowl. She was not a happy princess, to say the least. Well, it took me by surprise. All I could see is her little head peering out with a terrified look on her little face. She was scrambling with all her might to get out. Just as I got to her, she jumped. Dousing me with toilet water. And, yes, this is all happening at 5 a.m. Did I mention, I am not a morning person in the first place. I scream, my husband jumps out of bed to see what awful thing has happened to his wife as she is making her morning stumble to the bathroom. He knows it has to be terrible because of the blood curdling screams that are coming from the bathroom. When he gets there, he sees one very mad cat who is soaking wet and his unhappy wife that is wearing toilet water and holding the sopping wet, mad cat. Well, did I mention, my husband is a morning person. He thought it was hilarious. Of course, he wasn't the one wearing the toilet water, was he. Quite a good chuckle for him. Not the way the Princess and I like to start our morning.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Family Fun

Every year around the 4th of July, our family gathers for a family reunion at my Aunt Betty's beautiful home. She has a pool and everyone comes together for fun, food, and catching up. Our family is getting pretty large and this year we had 2 new additions. First of all, Scotty, who was born in January to my brother, Scott and his wife Shawna, made his first appearance at the reunion. He seems to have a great time. For just 5 months old, he made quite a splash, literally.

Me and Scotty

The Boys

Kolbi and Scotty

Another addition this year was Pete Travis. He was not born this year but joined the family by marriage. He and Chris or Elle as she prefers to be called this year in June. Unfortunately, I don't have photos of them. They were only at the reunion for a short time as Pete had to return to work and Chris had another appointment. But it was good to see them and I wish them a Happy Marriage.

We missed Brenda and Jackie this year. They were on vacation in Florida. Possibly on a 2 day deep sea fishing trip.

I was a wonderful day. Food was fantastic, especially Aunt Ellen's German Chocolate cake, and Fun was had by all. So glad to get to spend the day in the sun and sharing with family.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Who's Job is it to Clean the Potato Box?

I must ask this question. Who's job is it to clean the potato box? Just because you buy the groceries and cook the dinner, does that mean it is you job? And if by chance you get busy and go on vacation without cleaning the potato box, is it a disgrace that gnats are flying around your kitchen? Yes, I agree, it is a bad situation, and a sad state of affairs but I don't think it is worthy of alot of excess drama. If it is bothering you that much, maybe you should try cleaning it yourself. I have offered to step down as grocery buyer and potato cooker but that was not the answer, anyone was wanting to hear. So, I ask you, "Who's job is it to clean the potato box?" Should it be the one that also gets to clean the manly dribble from the toilet seat? Should it be the one that sees the tracks in the underwear? Should it be the one that cleans the litter box? Should it be the one that cleans the science projects from the fridge? Just who should clean the potato box, I ask you!?!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tunica Here We Come!

Well, tomorrow Mom and I are off on an adventure. We are headed to Tunica, MS tomorrow evening. We have never flown alone so no telling where we may end up. Fortunately, we are going to be in a Harrah's Charter Flight that goes straight to the casino so I don't think we can get lost, but we are both very directionally challenged. So, you never no. If I send out an SOS, someone please help me.

Anyway, she is off to gamble and I am up for anything from gambling, to soaking up the sun, reading a good book or just people watching. That is always interesting, especially when you are in a casino. I wonder what people think of me and Mom on her little red scooter. I wish I had a bionic ear so I could hear what they say. . . . . . .or maybe not. My feelings could get hurt. Since I am just rambling on, I will go now but stay tuned to see what transpired while we were gone.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Long Time, No Blogging!

I know, I know. It has been a long time since I have posted anything. I have been a little (okay, according to my husband, greatly) obsessed by Facebook. It is addictive. Especially the games. I am also hooked on Sorority Life. I love being able to connect with old friends that I haven't seen in 10, 20, 30 years. I have reconnected with several people I never expected to hear from again. I went to elementary school with this one guy and he moved to GA in 6th grade. He contacted a friend of mine and she mentioned it so I "friended" him and here we are friends again. He now has 3 beautiful (almost grown) kids and is happily married. I am happy for him. We can even chat live. It is great, getting to know people all over again.

Anyway, back to my real life. Lots of things have been going on that I have not posted, so I am going to try and catch up a little at a time. First, I have to share Kelsey's Prom Pictures. She was beautiful and she had a very nice date. Here they are, hope you enjoy.
Kelsey and Rusty

Friday, March 6, 2009

Icemaker Troubles

How many people do you have to talk to before you can get your icemaker fixed? I don't have an answer to that question yet, but so far the count is up to six. I have to wait until Tuesday for the repair company to call me and schedule an appointment time to fix the icemaker. If I should have problems, I need to call my customer service repair agent, Jamie. Obviously, if you have to have a customer service agent assigned they are expecting you to have problems. I have already talked to the customer service person at Lowe's and was transferred to a person in the appliance person who referred me to the Lowe's service center. Phil at the service center referred me to the Samsung service center. There I talked to Brittany who assigned me a Transaction number and referred me to the repair center; however, I got a recording telling me where I could locate the nearest Lowes in my area. (Excuse me, but isn't that where I started?) I then called the Samsung service center again and got the pleasure of talking to Damen. He told me the transaction number again and transferred me back to the repair department. I talked to Derrick in the service department that asked me to read the serial number from inside the fridge. They were very tiny numbers and I hope I got them right. I am sure Derrick doesn't know that I am closely approaching the age of 46 and my need bifocals at my next eye doctor appointment. Anyway, Derrick finally determined I need a repairman to come to my house to look at the ice maker to figure out what is wrong with it. (Excuse me, isn't that what I asked for 6 people and 1/2 hour ago?!?) Now I must wait until Tuesday to answer the question of how many people must you talk to before getting your Samsung Ice maker fixed. Did I forget to tell you this is in my new refrigerator that I just bought on July 26, 2008?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Move it, Move it, Move it!

Ever since I received my promotion in April of last year, I have been working at a completely sedentary job. I basically only get up to go to the restroom. I feel I have become deconditioned. I know you are saying to yourself that it's not like a was a wonderfully physically fit person before, but I was up moving some during the day. I have thought about exercising but I don't do anything about it. When I get home, I work on fixing dinner and afterward it is dark out. I know they have gyms for that but I don't want to flaunt that I am totally out of shape. A friend invited me to go to a Cardio Pump class with her. It lasts for an hour. If I went to that they would have to do a cardio pump ---- on me. CPR they call it. No, I am not ready for organized (hour long) exercise just yet, but Zach and I did go for a short walk today and I didn't die. I actually felt pretty good, at least after my legs quit shaking. Hopefully, I can work time into my schedule to keep this up. I am looking forward to the time change. That should help me with my new exercise routine. I also have a new mantra for myself, move it, move it, move it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Love was in the Air!

It started early in the week when Steve asked me what I wanted to do for Valentine's Day. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do but with the economy what it is, I hated to spend a lot of money so I told him I didn't want expensive flowers from the florist. (He had just informed me that long stemmed red roses were going for $75.00 at the local florist.) I would much rather go out to dinner than have overpriced roses sitting on the kitchen table. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE fresh cut flowers but I don't want them when the price has been jacked up just for this holiday. Anyway, we discussed our options and decided we would have dinner at home rather than go out to a resturant to only wait 2 hours to be seated. Then we would go to a movie and out for dessert. I think we both looked forward to our date all week. It had been a while since we had been out on the town together.

Anyway, on Saturday morning I got up and made chocolate dipped strawberries and bananas. The strawberries had been $7.99 a pound at the grocery so I decided to do it myself when I saw there was a sale on strawberries for $1.99 and I knew I already had chocolate at home. Of course, I had to sample a few while I was dipping. Fabulous! I love chocolate covered strawberries! They are my absolute favorite. Then I decided to make potato boats to go with the steaks that Steve was going to cook on the grill. At the last minute, Zach called to ask if he and Morgan could tag along. I don't know if we are really cool parents and they wanted to spend time with us or if he didn't have any cash and decided we would foot the bill but it turned into a double date. Dinner was at home with just the 5 of us. (My mom was included in that.) The whole time Zach ate he kept saying how amazing the food was. We had all his favorites, steak, potato boats and chocolate covered strawberries and bananas. I do believe the way to that mans heart is through his stomach. Morgan, you had better be taking notes. He does love to eat. Fortunately, he is very active and can afford to eat what he wants.

After dinner we went to see Mall Cop, a very funny movie. I laughed so hard I thought I would wet my pants. I love to see comedies. I hate to see movies where I cry. Why would anyone pay money to leave the movie theater crying. Watch the news if you want to cry.

Then, we went to Applebee's for dessert. Steve and I shared a blondie with ice cream and maple topping while Zach and Morgan indulged in a warm chocolate chip cookie with ice cream and chocolate syrup. It was a wonderful evening. I think Zach and Morgan had a good time as well.

I guess I should also tell you that I did get roses too. They were beautiful pink roses from the local discount store and I loved them just the same. It was truly a great evening.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Birthday to Trace!

His birthday was January 21 but we celebrated on Sunday. Gran fixed his favorite dinner of spagetti and his Mom fixed him an awsome chocolate cake. His Aunt Vickie apologized in advance to his Mom and Dad for the give she got him. He thought it was awsome but they weren't so happy. Aunt Vickie has decided maybe it wasn't a good idea after all. She doesn't want him to stay in trouble while playing with the gift. We all had a great time and enjoyed the feast Gran perpared for us.
Trace's Birthday Cake!
Trace and Lainie
Trace with the Nerf Gun that Aunt Vickie got him.
Gran and Lainie
Kelsey with Scotty. His first Mitchell celebration!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Help, I am being chased by Dust Bunnies!

Today I decided I was really going to clean my house. Most weekends it is hit or miss. Just get the surface dirt, but this weekend I decided to really do a deep cleaning. Well, I have come to the conclusion that I should deep clean more often. More deep cleaning and less hit or miss, because I have missed alot. At one point today, I was chased by a giant dust bunny and I thought he was going to defeat me. But I won. My house still isn't as clean and neat as I would like for it to be but it is much better. If I only had a week to do this I could make a huge difference. But I would probably be dead too. Just working for this one day has made my back hurt and my allergies are raging.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Newest Addiction

Well, I am addicted and my sister-in-laws have caused it. They just kept talking about it and I just had to see for myself. I had to check out what all the commotion was about. I now have a Facebook account and I am addicted. I want to spend hours browsing for old friends but the best part is when old friends find me. I was contacted by a girl the I went to school with and have not seen in years. She is now a teacher, has 2 boys and lives in Louisville. I was friended (facebook lingo) by a guy that played ball with my brother. Who knew that he would want to talk to me 20 years later. It is a real boost to my morale. Of course it is also nice that my niece and her friend wanted to friend me too. I now have like 24 friends and I have only been on for about 2 weeks. Some people have hundreds of friends. I can't imagine having that many but it sure is fun. Sometimes I can hardly wait to get home and log on to see if anyone new wants to friend me.

The down side is that my husband is not nearly as enthused with Facebook as I am and wonders what the big deal is. It must be a girl thing but there sure alot of guys on Facebook so I don't thing that is it. Maybe it is because guys from my past want to friend me. Oh well, I will just have to fit it in where I can.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Baby Update

Scotty and Shawna are doing fine. Scotty, however, is having some problems with jaundice but at his doctor's visit yesterday his levels stayed the same and he does not have to go back to the doctor until Friday. Hopefully, by then he will be okay. He lost some weight at first but is gaining it back already. On Monday at his doctor's visit he had dropped to 9 lbs 11 ozs and on Tuesday he was back to 9 lbs 14 ozs. He will be back to the 10 lbs mark before you know it. By his 6 week check up he will probably be at 20 lbs. Poor Shawna, her back will be shot by the time this kid walks. Stay tuned for more baby updates.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Please Welcome Our New Addition!

Richard Scott Mitchell, Jr. (Scottie or Hoss as some refer to him) made his arrival about 8:30 p.m. on January 9, 2009 (He will share his birthday with his Nanny Worthington!). He weighed a whopping 10 pounds and 3 ounces and was 21 inches long. A real hoss cat! I know at first we were calling him Tater Tot but he is so much more than that. I do not believe Tater Tot is very fitting name for someone that comes into the world weighing more than a whole 10 pound bag of potatos. Hoss is much more fitting. And I must say, Shawna looked better than any one has a right to after delivering a 10 pound baby. She was amazing! She looks great and I am sure she feels much lighter. Of course, Scott is a very proud Daddy and Lainie is going to be a wonderful big sister. I am sure she will make her little brother tow the line just as I did with my little brothers. Below you will find a few (LOL) pictures. And yes, I am the proud aunt, and so what if there are more than just a few pictures of our new baby and everyone at the resturant had to look at them last night. Enjoy!

Here he is with his Gran. He isn't even an hour old yet. Still a little blue looking.

Here he is with me, his Aunt Vickie.

Lainie will be a wonderful big sister. She takes her duties very serious.

Scottie is getting ready to take a hearing test. He passed with flying colors. His ears are in good shape.

Here he is with his Mom on Saturday (still not even 24 hours old). Doesn't she look great! Nothing like you would expect someone would that just gave birth to a 10 pound 3 ounce baby boy.

Here is Scottie with his first baseball cap on. Still a little big but I think it will fit before too long. This was from his Uncle Steve.

Quick! Someone call Coach Brooks. I think we have found him a new lineman!

Here is the whole happy Mitchell family; minus Brutus, Winnie and Red. All plan to be reunited tomorrow.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Big Day!

Well, today is the big day when life changing events will take place. First of all, Shawna is going to be admitted to the hospital today for her induction. Tater Tot should make his appearance sometime to day and I am to deliver the "Big Sister" for the main event.

Second, my baby is going to take his drivers test to get his license. This one, I am nervous about. This is truly going to be life changing. This means I loose even more control. Soon he will be all grown up and no longer need his "Big Dumb Mom". He thinks he doesn't now. This is a big test. Did I do my job as a mother? Will he be safe? Will he do what he is suppose to do? I hope I have taught him well. We will soon see.

If anyone is reading, please say a prayer for us today. It is truly a big day for my family. We get a new addition and Zach will begin driving on his own. It is both exciting and scary. More tomorrow on these big events.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas Funny Photos

Here are some of my favorite Christmas photos. I guess I will see who reads my blog by who kills me for posting these on the internet. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Here is Steve wearing my new sunglasses he got me for Christmas. He looks real cool.
Does something smell bad?
The police are back in town. Watch your step!

Here is Lainie and Zach. Zach is wearing Lainie's new Grouch Marcs glasses.

Here is Kolbi in her designer ribbon!

Here is Shawna - wrapped for Christmas!

Kelsey is styling with Zach's new hat. There were several comments regarding this hat, that maybe we should have two. One to _ _ _ _ in and one to cover it up with.

Here is Max dressed up for Christmas.

Here is Big and Thinks He's Rich